JSP STEALTH 9200 AGW010-603-000

Značka: JSP
Zvolený variant nie je k dispozícii. Reset vybraných parametrov.
Kód: 0502009281999
54,92 € 45,77 € bez DPH
JSP STEALTH 9200 AGW010-603-000
Značka: JSP
a unique combination of glasses with indirect ventilation and face protection with an elegant modern design; the Stealth™ 9200 has been designed to offer superior performance, comfort and appearance; the face shield can be raised when not in use; protection against dust, liquid splashes, molten metal and UV radiation; complies with EN 166 1B.T.3.4.9.N and EN 170 2-1.2

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Kategória: Ochranné okuliare
Status: Na objednávku

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