CleanSpace CST Neck Support Medium

Značka: Cleanspace
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Kód: 0799009099999
95,90 € 79,92 € bez DPH
CleanSpace CST Neck Support Medium
Značka: Cleanspace
CleanSpace CST neck supports are specifically designed to provide additional positioning options of the power unit for optimal wearer comfort; they are compatible with the CleanSpace PRO power unit (CST1002) and CleanSpace ULTRA power unit (CST1012); a CleanSpace CST neck support is made of light weight polypropylene plastic; it clips directly into the power unit and is easily changed; designed for comfort over long periods; available in 2 sizes to accommodate different neck sizes

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Príslušenstvo
Status: Na objednávku
Hmotnosť: 8 g
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